“We were way up. All we had to worry about were the shells coming. They couldn’t come over the mountains, so when they hit one side, the rocks would come flying onto our side. That’s the only thing we had to worry about... Staying up in the mountains…

"Escogiste servir a tu pueblo de un modo nada aceptable en tu tiempo,Eres vista como algo fuera de lo comun, pero aun necesaria,Porque pedras ser lo que fueiste hasta ese entonces para la sociedad;"(You choose to serve your people in a way not…

“It was my moral obligation [document my experiences]. God gave me that ink to last." ~Anthony Acavedo, Oral History Interview with the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum, October 13, 2010 Born in San Bernardino, California in 1924, Anthony…

"You can kill a man, but you can't kill an idea." ~Medgar Evers or Myrlie Evers, widow of Medgar Evers, 1963 Born into a working-class Black family in Decatur, Mississippi, Medgar Evers attended segregated schools and witnessed a…